
Canada scholarships

Alexander Rutherford Scholarship at University of Alberta in Canada

The Alexander Rutherford Scholarship Forum and the University of Alberta give study grants. The grant is for young Canadians who are good at their studies. It is for people who have finished high school and want to start college in Alberta. Moreover, Alexander Rutherford was Alberta’s first Prime Minister and Minister of Education. They named this prize after him to honor him. His strong support of public education made him a popular figure in the community.


University of Alberta

The University of Alberta, also known as U of A or UAlberta, is a public research university in Canada. It is in the city of Edmonton. Alexander Cameron Rutherford, the first premier of Alberta, and Henry Marshall Tory made it happen in 1908. Because of the Post-secondary Learning Act, it was possible to do so. However, the school is a “comprehensive academic and research university.” This means it has a lot of different academic and professional programs that can lead to both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
Also, there is an Augustana Campus in Camrose and a staff center in downtown Calgary. There are four campuses in Edmonton, as well. Over 50 city blocks in downtown Edmonton, there are 150 buildings on the old north campus. It is on the south side of the North Saskatchewan River valley, right next to the city center. About 39,000 students from Canada and 150 other countries are taking part.
Further, there are 400 programs across 18 faculties. In Alberta, the university is a significant source of money, and it is expected to have an annual economic impact on Alberta of $12.3 billion, or 5% of its GDP.

Why the University of Alberta?

Times Higher Education says the University of Alberta is one of the best universities in Canada and one of the best 150 universities on Earth, so it’s a great place to go to school. It is one of the reasons that so many of our students go on to do great things. The Times Higher Education says that the University of Alberta is one of the best universities in the world. It has about 400 teaching and research partnerships in 50 countries, and it is one of the best in the world.

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Benefits of the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

The scholarship is worth $2500. Alexander Rutherford Scholarship applicants will be automatically considered for the following awards and the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship itself.

Eligibility for Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

To get this scholarship, candidates must also meet the following:

  • You must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a person who is protected under Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to come to the United States with your family.
  • Be a resident of Alberta. To be an Alberta resident, the following must happen:
    • A person must have lived in Canada for at least 12 consecutive months right before starting a study program. One parent or legal guardian must have lived in Canada for at least that long. The applicant must have resided in Alberta for at least 12 months before starting a program of study.
    • I have been through high school since September 30, 1980.
    • At least be in a post-secondary school or an apprenticeship program that lasts for one entire semester.
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To recognize and honor senior high school student’s academic excellence and encourage them to pursue post-secondary education.

Application Method

To apply online, you must first set up a personal account and have Alberta Student Aid check your ID. When your official high school transcripts come in, you can apply. The requirements for high school transcript marks can vary.

 Selection Method

A student must obtain a minimum aggregate average in at least one grade based on five designated courses. Calculated from: 10th, 11th, or 12th grade

  • Courses/marks on an official Alberta Transcript of High School Achievement for Alberta residents.
  • Completed High School Outside of Alberta Courses/grades from another province appear on an official high school transcript.


1) How long will it take for them to confirm my enrolment and for me to get my money?

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As soon as you apply for the Rutherford Scholarship, Alberta Student Aid will let you know that they have received your application. It may take up to two weeks for your registration to be confirmed after sending in your request, but it will happen soon. Following confirmation that you’re enrolled, Alberta Student Aid will let you know. They will send a check to the home address on your student aid account in two to four weeks. Make sure you know that Rutherford Scholarship money doesn’t always arrive in time for the Fall tuition deadline, so you’ll need to make other arrangements to pay for your school.

2) What does it mean when my application status shows that it is waiting for the school to confirm my enrolment?

Once you have submitted your application for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship, the status of your application will change to indicate that institution approval is required. Alberta Student Aid sends confirmation of enrolment requests to the University of Alberta regularly throughout the academic year.

3) What should I do if I need to make changes to my application?

By logging into your application through your Alberta Student Aid site or calling them directly at 1-855-606-2096, you can make adjustments to your application or Alberta Student Aid account.

Click here to apply


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