
Canada JobsCareerFeatured

Farm Jobs Are Available In Canada with Free Visa Sponsorship

Canada is one of the developed countries in the world and the economy of the country has been expanding from technology, health, manufacturing to food and agriculture. Agriculture is a new investment of the Canada government which promises to improve the economy of the country. Many attentions have been shifted to the new sector of the economy and there are a lot of demands on manpower which include many roles like:


1. Farm Supervisor/Manager

As a leader who leads other farm workers into working and managing their affairs on the farm. A farm supervisor is in charge of overseeing the operation in the farms like production of farm produce, distribution of raw materials and produce, etc. A farm supervisor must be an experienced and well oriented individual who has good management skills and leadership qualities.

2. Tractor Driver:

A tractor driver is concerned with the use of a tractor on farm land, the management and efficiency of the tractor. As a tractor driver. You are responsible for moving raw materials, farm produce, and equipment around the farm, ploughing the farmlands for planting of crops and seeding crops in the farm. However, a tractor driver may also operate other farm machinery like harvester, planters, and sprayers in the farm. To be a tractor driver, you must possess a licence to operate a tractor in Canada and also have mechanical knowledge about the tractor.

3. General Farm Worker

A general farm worker performs different kinds of roles like assisting with farm works, transportation of raw materials on farms and harvesting crops on farm lands. The farm worker should be someone with physical ability, stability and stamina.


4. Poultry Farmer

Poultry farmers deal with the management of birds, chickens, turkeys, and others for meat, eggs or revenue collection. They perform tasks like feeding, cleaning the poultry and maintaining a hygienic environment to prevent diseases and increase daily production of eggs and meat from the birds and chickens. A poultry farm is a big department of the farm that is closely monitored by the management because of the high revenue from the sector. To be a poultry farmer, you must be able to adapt to the environment and work at a high level despite the exposure to dust.

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5. Dairy Farmer

A dairy farmer is an important individual in the production of milk in the farm because they deal with the management of cows and rearing them only for milk production. As a dairy farmer, your primary duty is to make sure the cows are being looked after; cleaning their habitat, feeding, provision of care, and the operation of the milking equipment to extract milk from the cows. A dairy farmer must be dedicated, committed and diligent to the overall duties, responsibilities and tasks in the dairy farm.

6. Fruit Farm Worker

This worker performs different roles on the farms including cleaning, cutting vegetables and fruits in various levels according to size, shape and colour, etc. A fruit farm worker is not ordinary work but a role that comes with a lot of duties and responsibilities. They also sort fruits and vegetables, clearing weeds, operating of machines and transportation of fruits on the farm.

7. Farm Labourer

They are workers that work very hard on the farms. If you are applying as a farm labourer, you will be saddled with tasks like monitoring the health of all animals, feeding the animals, cleaning the stables, and operation of farm machinery. A farm labourer must be able to adapt to the fast-paced environment, the physical stamina and strength required to do well in this role.

8. Aquaculture Worker

An aquaculture worker is responsible for the feeding of aquaculture stocks, cleaning and the environment of the water. They also assist the professionals of aquaculture farming in the operation of hatching and provision of feeds for the fishes. As an aquaculture worker, you will be paid $19.10 – $21.22 hourly in Canada.

9. Harvester

This job role does not need a high education background or experience and you will be trained by other experienced workers. A harvester is involved with many duties and roles like planting, cultivating, harvesting of crops, etc.  A harvester receives a salary of $18.50 per hour.

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10. Apiary Worker

An apiary is mainly concerned with the management of bees and honey production. He/she maintains the bee yard, the environment safety and assists with the tasks involved in production of honey and other farm duties.

The agricultural industry in Canada is another sector of the economy where there is high demand of manpower to produce maximum revenues for the government and international recognition of the country in the agriculture world.  It is a big opportunity for anyone who is willing to work in the agriculture sector because of so many benefits of working in Canada.

Benefits of Farm Jobs with Visa Sponsorship

You will gain the following the benefits if you work on a farmland in Canada:

  • Flexible working Hours: The hours of working in Canada is not the whole 24 hours but 3 or 4 hours per day. This gives room for the workers to have a balance between work and life.
  • Job security and stability: A Canada farm job is stable and secure. And the nature of the job is favourable and enabling to the employees.
  • High paying salary: Every farm worker receives a high salary from their employers. Average salary for farm workers in Canada is $19 to $22 per hour.
  • Housing Benefits: Some farm jobs give their workers free accommodation due to the nature of their jobs which require them to be available for most of the time in the day.
  • Health Insurance: If you work as a farm worker in Canada, you will get to sign up for full health insurance in the country. The country prioritises worker’s health for them to perform well in their respective job.

How to Apply For Farm Jobs in Canada

In applying for any farm jobs in Canada, a work permit is needed with visa sponsorship from any valid Canada citizen. Even though most farm jobs do not require any special skills, education background, and experience. The following are the ways to apply for farm jobs in Canada:

  1. Job search: You can apply for any farm jobs in Canada online via many websites that have a lot of job offers from Canada citizens who are farm owners in the country. Example of websites to visit for Canada visa sponsorship farm jobs include: Indeed, Canada Job Bank, Glassdoor  and Workopolis etc.
  2. Update Resume: The job may not require much skills or experience but you have to show in your resume the skills, the experience, and any other training session you may have received which is similar or needed in the new field.
  3. Visa Application: You need to apply for a visa to go to Canada and there are so many visa programs you can select which will fit into your job prescription. Your Canada employer will guide you towards choosing the best visa program for your job roles. They will also help with some visa fees, accommodation fees and work permits, etc.
  4. Apply for work permit: To work in Canada you need to get a work permit to work in Canada. You can apply for a work permit via the Canada official website. Click here
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How can I apply to work on a farm in Canada?

You can work as a farm worker in Canada by applying via many job portals as mentioned above in the article.

  1. Are there available vacancies for farm workers in Canada?

The country is always asking for manpower in their labour market especially in the agriculture industry.

  1. What are the requirements of any farm jobs in Canada?

If you have any prior experience on working in the farms, that’s better. But a farm job in Canada does not require any special skills, experience or a high educational background. But any previous experience in farm work may give you an upper hand in the job application process than other applicants.

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