
Australia scholarships

University of Queensland Academy of Research Joint PhD Program

There is a joint Ph.D. program between the University of Queensland and the Institute for Industrial and Applied Technology. The program will take place in Australia in 2022. The scholarship allows students to study at the Postgraduate level in any of the University of Queensland’s subjects. This post discusses the details of the University of Queensland Academy scholarship.


About University of Queensland

The University of Queensland academy is a transnational joint-PhD program. The aim is to promote research in a variety of fields. They enroll bright and talented candidates in a collaborative Ph.D. program at UQIDAR. They do this under the supervision of both universities. Also, they will recruit many students in Delhi. They will do this along with a small group of Australian domestic scholars. A Joint Venture Board oversees UQIDAR. Moreover, the JVB has several committees that have responsibilities. They include strategic oversight, operational management, and compliance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act.

Why Queensland?

UQIDAR will look for the best people from all over the world to work on important problems for Australia, India, and the rest of the world. UQIDAR will allow UQ and IITD to put the best and brightest students in a joint Ph.D. program. Also, they will hire most of the students into the joint-PhD program in Delhi. But, they won’t overlook Australian students too.
University of Queensland Academy
Students will spend at least one year in Australia as part of the i-student program. They will spend at least three years in India. Further, Q-students will live in Australia for three years and India for one year as a part of their study abroad plan, including a year in India.

Ph.D. Program

In all fields, students should stay in school for up to four years, depending on how well they do. Scholarships are available for up to four years. Both i- and q-students will have to do some work. If students finish the program, they will get a Ph.D. from UQ and IITD. The students at the Academy will:
  • In four years, you can get a global qualification from two colleges, and you can do it in that time (UQ and IITD).
  • Get a large scholarship.
  • Use of world-class facilities while learning about new research.
  • You can get a lot of experience worldwide with the help of both UQ and IITD.
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Industry Links

There will be a lot of help for Ph.D. students because there will be a lot of help from businesses. Ph.D. students with industrial sponsorship will work on difficult research projects. UQIDAR’s business partners have set up these projects. People who work for businesses will also be able to help their employees. This corporate involvement will allow for a mobility plan. Thus, allowing academics to spend time at each school. This strengthens research ties and gives early-career researchers the chance to move up their careers.


There are two ways to get a Ph.D.: i-students and q-students. I-students and q-students have different rules about who can join.

For i-students

Indian and international applicants who don’t have Australian citizenship are also considered for admission as i-students, which means they could get in. I-students spend their first year of study at IITD before going to UQ for another year or more, and they then finish the rest of their studies at IITD.

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How to Apply as an i-student

  • Find a project: There are many Ph.D. programs at UQIDAR. To apply to one, you must apply for a still open project. We put them on the website when applications are open for a project. You can apply for as many projects as you want in each round. You can’t come up with your ideas or apply them to a school or department on your own. Each project has a title, description, information about the supervisors, and other important project information.
  • Eligibility: All applicants for the joint Ph.D. program must meet some requirements. It may be harder to get into this program than it is to get into other programs.
  • Gather your documents: When you apply for a job online, you must include supporting documents. Documents in languages other than English will need to be translated and certified by UQIDAR before sending them to you. As long as you live outside of Australia, one of UQ’s approved agents might be able to help you get documents translated or certified.
  • Show interest: Check the project’s eligibility requirements and ensure your supporting materials are ready. You can then submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) online. Each person can submit only one EOI. If someone sends in an EOI, they can apply for up to two projects in it. However, note that they can’t look at EOIs that come in after the deadline. We will only look at complete submissions.
  • Attend the interview
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For q-students

Applicants from Australia who want to study at the university are called q-students. Q-students spend their first year of study at UQ before completing one year (or more) at IITD. They then finish the rest of their studies at UQ.


Application Method

People who want to apply for the scholarship must apply for a Ph.D. at the University of Queensland. There is no separate application for a scholarship because you will be able to ask for scholarship consideration on your application to get into college. With their application, candidates need to send in a CV, academic certificates, and transcripts. For applicants to be able to get into the program, they need to meet the admissions requirements. All applicants must meet the Academy’s English language proficiency requirements before they can be considered for the UQIDAR Joint Ph.D. program.

Click here to apply

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